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Annual Review of Competency Progression

By Simon Li

Training Programme Director ST1-3 (North)

The annual review of competency progression (ARCP) is the main way by which the School of Paediatrics is able to monitor the progression of trainees during the programme. The main rounds happen in January and June, but may be altered if you are out of alignment due to your CCT date. All ARCPs across the region are done without you being in attendance and is where evidence a trainee has uploaded to their eportfolio is reviewed by an experienced panel comprising the Head of School, Deputy Head of School, Training Programme Directors, College Tutors, and Educational Supervisors. 

Preparing your portfolio
  • Personal development plans (PDPs) in SMART format.

  • At least the minimum number of SLEs and MSF as per the RCPCH guidance. 

  • Evidence of resuscitation and safeguarding courses are completed and in date.

  • Documentation of initial educational supervision meeting and a current clinical supervisor trainer's report if your educational supervisor is not also your clinical supervisor.

  • Reflection on any serious untoward incidents or complaints you have been involved in.

  • If you have undertaken START then you will need to write a reflection in your development log and have a SMART PDP to address any development needs identified in your feedback. 

  • If you are a grid trainee ensure your CSAC have completed a progression form.

  • Regular reflective practice including a reflective summary of each post. 

  • experience of governance activity if available. If it has not been possible to complete an audit or governance project describe any on-going projects.

  • Evidence that you are achieving learning outcomes in each domain of the Progress+ curriculum.

  • Record of teaching activities ideally with feedback and reflection. 

  • Attendance at educational meetings/training with reflection and specific learning points. 

  • An organised personal library of documents arranged by year and content.

  • if you have undertaken a START assessment then you will need to write a reflection in your development log and have a START PDP to address any development needs identified in feedback. 

  • If you are a grid trainee ensure your CSAC have completed a CSAC progression form. 


You will also need a valid revalidation Form R Part B which is required for the purposes of GMC revalidation. This will be requested by the revalidation team as required and should be returned as per the instructions in the email. It is useful to send a copy to your portfolio reviewer too. The revalidation team will contact you using the address you have registered for curriculum study leave - it is therefore imperative that this email address is accurate and checked regularly.​


Portfolios should be ready for review by the nominated submission date. Curriculum summary forms 1 and 2 will be sent to you in advance for completion (see below for examples). Form 2 will be completed by your reviewer and is included for you information only. All trainees should include an updated CCT calculator, particularly if you have been out of programme, on leave or work less than full time.

The assessments team will have notified you in advance of you reviewer and granted them access to your portfolio.

Your portfolio reviewer will look at your portfolio for the minimum evidence as outlined by RCPCH and make a recommendation of ARCP outcome to the panel based on this. Your reviewer ill communicate this to you ahead of the panel, however the final outcome is the decision of the ARCP panel. Judgments will be made against the Progress+ domains using the document that can be found at the end of this article. 

Your reviewer will also look at the evidence available in your portfolio and offer feedback regarding attainment of the domains of the Progress+ curriculum. This should help you focus on your PDP and training activity in the coming training year. 


There are several outcomes possible outcomes arising from the ARCP:

  • Outcome 1: Satisfactory progression

  • Outcome 2: Development of specific competencies required (additional training time not required)

  • Outcome 3: Development of specific competencies required (additional training time required)

  • Outcome 4: Released from training programme

  • Outcome 5: Insufficient information submitted

  • Outcome 6: Recommendation for completion of training

  • Outcome 8: Out of programme (OOPE, OOPP, OOPC, OOPR)

What can I expect to happen?

The ARCP panels will meet virtually to discuss trainee progress and determine the ARCP outcome based on the evidence presented. The panels will comprise at least three experienced panel members including the Head of School, Deputy Head of School, Training Programme Directors, RCPCH Tutors, Academic Training Advisor and NHSE East Midlands co-ordinators. Following the panel meeting trainees will be emailed by their reviewer to let them know the outcome agreed. If a feedback meeting would be helpful this will be arranged virtually. All trainees who receive a developmental outcome will have virtual feedback arranged with them individually by their TPD.


Although progression through paediatrics is capability-based and not time-based the indicative length of time required to satisfactorily achieve all curriculum capabilities and experiences is 7 years whole time equivalent (WTE). This is important to note where a trainee decides to work less than full time (LTFT) as this will then increase the length of time to complete training commensurate with their LTFT percentage as outlined below: 

Weekly hours
Fixed days off
Pay rough estimate
Time to complete one ST year (months)
Time each ST year extended by (months)
Time to complete training (years)
80% of full time
8 years 9 months
70% of full time
60% of full time
11 years 8 months
50% of full time

This also means that for trainees who choose to work LTFT, you will move from one ST "year" to the next (e.g. ST1 to ST2) "out of sync" with the usual rotation changeover dates (August or February) and occur at seemingly odd times throughout the year but always commensurate with your LTFT training percentage. For instance, a doctor who chooses to work LTFT 80% from the beginning of the paediatric training at ST1 starting in August 2025 will not become ST2 until November 2026 when they will have completed 15 months of training. 

There is scope to "fast track" if you have developed capabilities faster than anticipated in which case you can request capability progression. This however can only happen at "gateway" points and can only be approved at ARCP. Please discuss with your educational supervisor and TPD if you wish to be considered for this. More information can be found at the link below. 

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