Out of Programme

The East Midlands School of Paediatrics has a well developed OOPE Melbourne exchange programme
By Louise Wells
Training Programme Director ST4-8 (North)
There are a variety of reasons why doctors in training may want or need to take time out of programme (OOP). If this is the case then we would advise you speak to your educational supervisor and training programme director early.
Types of OOP
OOPR (out of programme research): a period of research.
OOPT (out of programme training): a period of clinical training which is not a part of the doctor in training's current specialty training programme. OOPT will count towards the trainee's CCT date.
OOPC (out of programme career break): a planned career break related to personal circumstances or other requirements.
OOPE (out of programme experience): clinical experience which is not approved by the GMC which does not count towards the CCT date but may benefit the doctor.
OOPP (out of programme pause): a "pause" in training in order to undertake another NHS patient-facing role with a UK registered organisation outside of the training programme.
How to apply
To apply for time out of programme, the doctor in training must download and complete an application form from https://eastmidlandsdeanery.nhs.uk/policies/oop. Ensure that you have approval from your educational supervisor who has provided their signature and submit it to Dr Louise Wells for consideration at the internal Paediatric OOP panel. Applications must be submitted no later than by the first day in February or August that corresponds to being 6 months in advance of starting the OOP e.g. for an OOP starting at the August 2025 changeover date an application must have been submitted by 1st February 2025. This can be applied for on a provisional basis which allows the School to plan ahead whilst giving you conditional support pending confirmation of your OOP plans.
OOP panel
The OOP panel is where the school makes decisions around OOP applications so as to ensure consistency. It is chaired by Dr Louise Wells and the panel will come to a decision on whether to support the OOP, not support, or give a "conditional" support. Conditional support is granted where, at the time of OOP application, it is not clear if a trainee has been successful for their prospective job or whether funding is in place - in this situation conditional support can be granted subject to future information. Support from the School's OOP panel will then allow the trainee to obtain a TPD signature and apply to NHSE for their approval.